
How to help you overcome the challenge of learning English?

English proficiency is now crucial for success in daily life, the workplace, and career growth. Although there are several chances, learning English can be difficult and depressing for many people. So how do we overcome these challenges?

What makes it difficult for everyone to learn English?

Currently, one of the required classes in Vietnam is English in Saigon. In actuality, a lot of people say they are "afraid" of learning English. Why did that take place? Let's investigate the cause together!

What obstacles will a delay in English learning bring about?

Learning English with an American accent is a matter of great interest to many people today because it is the most used language in the world. Nonetheless, since learning a foreign language is never easy, many people disregard it and don't take it seriously.

What is the cause of the increasing loss of English roots?

One of the topics that many people are most interested in nowadays is helping those who have lost their roots learn English. The reason is that English roots are disappearing at an alarming rate. How come then? What can be done to make them better?

Should I learn Toeic English or Communicative English?

Many people wonder whether they should study English or practice Toeic in order to converse. Since evaluating and enhancing learners' English communication skills is a shared objective of both courses. What is the best course, then? To learn the following article, kindly enroll in Eclass!

Advance your English communication skill with native teachers in 3 months!

Being able to communicate in English is regarded as a crucial soft skill for the workplace because you must utilize it constantly. But if you are worried about your English proficiency or feel too busy to study English, Eclass offers an online English learning program with foreign professors that is…