05 Simple but effective methods of learning English
Learning English can be a challenging task but once you get the hang of English, all the effort and time you put into learning the language will be well worth it. Fluency in English will help you have a better experience when working, travelling or studying. Besides, you don't have to wait for the latest bestseller books or Hollywood movies to be translated into Vietnamese. How to learn English effectively and practice American accent?
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A simple but effective method of learning English
This is the question of millions of students who are working hard to learn English, especially those who are just starting. If you are looking for a method to develop and learn English effectively, please refer to the following suggestions:
Learn English by phrases instead of individual words
When you learn English or any language, you shouldn't learn individual words because memorizing each word makes no sense without context. Instead, you should learn whole phrases. You should know what this word means and how it is used in a sentence. From there, you can easily memorize the word's meaning and use it more fluently.
Learn by listening
Although reading textbooks can also help you learn English, you should not rely solely on books and reading skills. Textbooks are great tools to teach you grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills but books may not be very helpful when you want to practice communication skills. If you want to learn how to speak English well and fluently, you should learn by listening, not by reading. By listening more, you will be able to learn vocabulary and grammar without having to recognize words or memorize them.
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Prioritize quality over quantity
When it comes to learning any language, what matters is quality over quantity. Instead of learning dozens of new words in a short time, you should focus on learning one word and repeating it dozens of times. This will help you avoid information overload. At the same time, this strategy allows you to deepen your understanding of the meaning of words and phrases. Therefore, you will remember what you have learned better.
Learn grammar with stories
One of the best ways to learn grammar is to listen to short stories with different tenses. This will help you improve your English grammar more automatically and naturally. For example, if one story begins with “I don’t like apples but I want to eat one,” the other would be “I didn’t like apples but I wanted to eat one.”
Listen and answer instead of listening and repeating
If you want to improve your English, don't use the "repeat after the speaker" strategy. Instead of skimming words or phrases that the speaker says mindlessly, you should answer the questions posed. For example, if you're listening to a podcast or video, pause it every 20 to 30 seconds and give a summary of what you've heard.
This method not only helps you improve your listening and speaking skills but also improves your reflexes.
Take an online course
There are many online courses available on the internet. A quick google search will bring up a list of professional training providers. Where is the reputable TOEFL test centre? Where is a good place to learn English? Please refer to E-class's 1-on-1 class for the best English learning solution and learn English fluently.