
Tips to learn English vocabulary quickly

The more English words you know, the more fluent and natural you will be in using the language. However, learning the vocabulary of non-native learners is not easy. You should search for different learning methods and try to apply them to your case to choose the most suitable learning method. Here are some suggestions, invite you to consult with Eclass.

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Suggest effective methods of learning English vocabulary

Make “Flashcards”


One of the most popular ways to learn English vocabulary is to use memory cards. Each “flashcard” will have an English word written on the front and a translation or definition of the word on the back.

You will look at one side of the card and say the word on it in the opposite language before looking at the other side of the card to check. For example, if you are looking at the English face “Pen” and saying the corresponding Vietnamese word “BútBút”.

Flashcards are a way to help you memorize vocabulary quickly and effectively. You can make your cards, buy a ready-made set, or download a set of cards online.

This approach will have the following benefits:

+ Flashcards are easy to make. If you're making paper cards, you can use flashcards (or small pieces of paper), a pencil or pen, and a list of words you want to learn. For digital cards, you will create them through some software or website.

+ Vocabulary cards are interactive, especially if you create them yourself. With paper flashcards, you have to write down all the words you want to learn. This will help you focus on the meaning of each word.

+ The flashcard set is easy to add if you want to learn new vocabulary. You can easily create a new flashcard and add it to your collection.

+ The flashcard set is easy to randomize. An effective vocabulary learning method is to randomly select a flashcard and guess the meaning of the word.

Make a list of new words and make example sentences

Another useful method is to make a list of all the English words you want to learn. A list is different from a flashcard in that it has all the words you need to know in one place (instead of on separate cards).

This approach will have the following benefits:


+ The biggest benefit is that the list is easy to replenish when you come across new words that you want to know. For example, if you see an English word you don't know on a sign at a restaurant, you can simply pull out the list and add it.

+ You can use the list as a basis for other methods of learning English. Lists are a useful resource for identifying specific words to put on memory cards and use in vocabulary quizzes.

+ You can keep track of dozens of new words on a single sheet of paper, taking up much less space than using hundreds of flashcards.

+ It is effortless to do. All you need to do is write down each word, each part of the vocabulary, and the meaning of the word in Vietnamese.

In addition, to memorize vocabulary better, you should make sentences with new words.

In particular, if you need to study a large number of words in a short time to keep up with an important English test, please contact the best online English central. Eclass will help you have the best method of learning vocabulary.

Some other ways to learn English vocabulary:

+ Take clear, organized, logical vocabulary notes.

+ Review the learned vocabulary after 24 hours, after a week, and after a month.

+ Read many times. The more times you 'see' a word, the easier it will be for you to remember it and remember it for a long time.

+ Use new words. You need to use the new word about ten times before you memorize it!

+ Use new vocabulary to do word puzzles and games like crosswords, anagrams, and word combinations.

+ Learn new vocabulary with friends for a more enjoyable study session.


+ Learn how to use a dictionary.

+ Learn a few words but not too many. Preferably about eight new words per day.

Please contact the online language center for many new and interesting effective ways to learn English!