Change to learn English better
Learning English is a challenging task for many people. The difference in pronunciation between Vietnamese and English makes it difficult for many learners to try to adjust their English pronunciation to be like a native speaker. However, “difficult” does not mean “impossible”. You can still speak English fluently like a native if you have an effective study method. Here, the Eclass will provide some effective methods, and invite you to consult. We also offer the English tutor with foreigners for our learners to improve their English better.
A simple but an effective way to learn English
Maybe you don't know, just changing a little habit can improve your English skills quickly. Eg:
Learn phrases instead of word by word
When you learn English or any language, you shouldn't learn individual words because each word becomes meaningless without context. Instead, you should learn all the phrases that contain that word. It is easier to remember the meanings of words if you know what they mean and how to use them in a sentence.
Learn by hearing instead of reading
Reading textbooks can help you learn English, this is the traditional method taught in elementary and high schools. However, if you rely solely on the method of reading English, your overall English skills will not improve as quickly as expected. Textbooks will teach you grammar and vocabulary, but they may not be as effective for listening and speaking skills. If you want to study English quickly, learn by listening instead of reading. Listening to English more times will help you learn vocabulary and grammar commonly used in life and improve your ability to remember better. Like a child when they are just learning to speak, they always listen to what adults say and learn to follow. The effective method of learning English also works similarly. Try changing it up a bit!
Regularly check your level instead of studying a textbook forever
Checking your current English language proficiency will help you develop the right study plan and determine which curriculum to pursue. The English learning center for working people always tests their English proficiency for free before advising them on a detailed study plan. This is an important first step toward creating a plan that is right for each individual.
Prioritize quality over quantity
Whatever language you are learning, quality is more important than quantity. Instead of learning dozens of new words in a short time, you should focus on learning one word and repeating it dozens of times. This helps you avoid information overload and deepen your understanding of learned words and phrases. This way of learning will help you remember words longer.
Learn grammar with everyday stories instead of memorizing
One of the best ways to learn grammar is to listen to short stories told in different tenses. This will help you improve your English grammar more naturally. For example, if one story begins with “I don’t like apples but I want to eat one,” the other would be “I didn’t like apples but I wanted to eat one.”
Listen and answer instead of listening and repeating
Try the listen and answer method instead of the classic “listen and repeat after the speaker” method. That is, instead of skimming the words or phrases the speaker has said, you should answer the questions posed by the speaker or summarize what you heard.
This is similar to situations in communication, when someone asks you something, do you answer them or repeat the question? Of course, you will naturally respond by answering the question. Or when you hear someone tell a good story, you want to tell someone else about it. So how can you retell with the sentences you have heard or will you retell with the same content but using different words? The second option is always more popular. Therefore, let's learn English in the same way to practice English reflexes.
Not only accompanying students throughout the process of learning English, but the Eclass also shares experiences, knowledge about languages and cultures, and good English learning tips for students. We hope that they have the opportunity to approach many new ways to learn and improve their English in unique and appropriate ways. Please contact us to receive information about the English class with native speakers!