
5 ways to learn to speak English for beginners

If speaking English fluently is your next goal, let's learn with Eclass to find the effective way to learn English. To speak English well, you need to combine it with listening skills. Listening - Speaking is two inseparable skills if you want to speak English fluently. Here are a few methods that can help you accomplish this goal.

If you are looking for a place to learn English with an American accent, don't forget to check out E-class classes!

Steps to learning to speak English fluently

Start with the basics

At the beginner level, you have to learn English from the basics. Try to memorize the most common verbs in English like: “be,” “have,” “do,” “say,” “get,” “make,” “go,” “know,” “ take,” and “see.” Only understanding these words can help you with basic communication.


Next, learn the simple sentence structure of English.

Subject + Verb + Predicate (Subject + Verb + Object)

In which, the common subject is "I, you, we, they, he, she, it". The common predicate is “me, you, us, them, him, her, it”…

In communicating in English, you must speak short, simple, and meaningful sentences if you do not know the grammar of complex sentences.

Practice speaking English

Conversations often begin with a question. Once you have a basic understanding of simple sentence structure, some verbs, and vocabulary, you can start asking questions.

The Wh/H question is open-ended. Where are they, when, what, what, why, who, and how.

- When is a question about time

- Where is a question about a place

- What is a question about something

- Which is a question about a choice

- Why is a question about a reason

- Who is a question about a person

- How is a question about the way

You can find a friend or native English speaker, then try to ask them questions like: What is your name? Which color do you like? Where are you going? When is your birthday? Who do you like the most?....

Learn basic grammar


Let's start with all the basic English tenses, and try to understand the rules of formation of each grammar point.

First, you should learn the Present, Present Continuous, and Present Perfect.

You speak English very well. (Present tense)

Then you change the sentence to the past simple by changing the verbs in the past tense. The structure of the sentence remains the same.

You spoke English very well. (The past simple)

Finally, you change the sentence to the future test, changing the verb in the present tense to the future tense by adding "will" before the verb.

You will speak English very well. (Future tense)

Use a variety of resources

Speak English with native speakers

The fastest way to learn to speak English is to have an English friend to practice what you have learned. Try to imitate the language, accent, and expressions of native speakers when speaking English because imitation is the most effective method of learning English.

You can also join the best English tutor online for beginners with native teachers. They can help you correct your pronunciation and speaking.

Use Internet

There are thousands of Videos on Youtube. Useful lessons compiled by native speakers. You can follow the channels and start learning English for free.

Listen to music, watch TV and read books.

Listening skills are very important when practicing speaking English. Through listening to podcasts and music or whatever you have, you have to understand what you hear to imitate and repeat it.

Listening to and understanding the meaning and pronunciation of a song will also help increase your vocabulary naturally.

Thinking in English


Learn vocabulary by phrases instead of single words. When listening to or reading certain English articles, do not try to translate English into your mother tongue. Please understand what you hear and read in English.

Try to "talk to yourself" in English from time to time - for example, when it's very cold, think "oh, it's cold" instead of thinking of the phrase in your native language.

Finally, instead of using a bilingual dictionary, try using an English - English dictionary to improve your thinking skills in English!

Whenever you need to study English with native speakers, please contact us to arrange the most suitable course.