
Rules for the effective English exam preparation

There are three stages to learning a new skill, such as TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS exam preparation, so you can improve your English skills at university or at work. At each stage, you need different study tips to study effectively and save time. Firstly, you need to know the vocabulary, grammar, and structure of the language. Secondly, you need to use the language in your daily life. Finally, you need to take a proficiency test to identify gaps in your current knowledge and language ability. What are the rules to help you practice English effectively? To pass the English exam with the desired results, you should apply the following rules.

Rules to have in the process of English exam preparation

Error improvement


Everyone has different needs in English exam preparation, so you need to take a mock test to identify gaps in your knowledge and skills to have a method to improve. We all have our weaknesses and you should find your weaknesses as early as possible in your English exam preparation.

Serious and strict – Good self-discipline

During exam preparation, be more strict with yourself. When you have set a study schedule, every day you have to earnestly implement that schedule and plan. During the practice test, you must seriously do the test like you are in the real exam room, do not look up the answers or exceed the time allowed. You have to motivate yourself and lift yourself when you feel depressed about difficult topics. Set your standards to seriously study English, only then can you achieve the desired results in the exam.

If you can't be strict with yourself, go to the best online English center with a native teacher to prepare for the exam. The teacher will help you set up a suitable plan, schedule, and exam preparation method. Besides, maybe your companion is someone who encourages and reminds you to study for the exam seriously, helping you overcome your procrastination habit.


Time management

Entrants must complete all required sections of an exam within a limited amount of time. This makes inexperienced candidates feel overwhelmed. Reading and writing in a foreign language is exhausting. The IELTS test takes two hours and 45 minutes to complete, while the internet-based TOEFL can take “about four and a half hours in total, including the registration process.” In addition, some of us inevitably feel anxious, and insecure when entering the exam.

How to reduce the pressure of the exam? Practice is the best method. You should solve the mock exam within the allotted time, assuming you are taking the test in the exam room and under the same time pressure as the real exam. The first time you try, you may not be able to solve the entire test, but take it as experience and adjust the time to do better on the test. Trial, error, and adjustment for the best time management method. This will make you more comfortable under the pressure of time.

Not just English

To pass the English exam, you need good English skills and the ability to withstand the pressure of the exam room and have enough composure to take the exam. The time you take the mock test at home and the actual test in the exam room is very different. How to do well under exam pressure? That's something you should learn during exam preparation.


You should review the information notes on the morning of the test to feel more secure and confident. Next, you need to eat a full breakfast and get enough sleep to have enough energy for the exam. After finishing the exam, you should not discuss the answer because if your answer is different from the answer of others, you will feel nervous and insecure, even if you do not know who is right, who's wrong.

Look for the best English tutor in HCM for effective exam preparation solutions.