What is the structure of the TOEFL exam?
Are you learning about the TOEFL test? Are you wondering what English skills the TOEFL test will require? That is what we are going to discuss in today's article.
TOEFL is an internationally recognized English language test, a lengthy test that often requires students to spend many months studying and preparing. And, if you need TOEFL, please refer to the following information with Eclass. Contact Eclass immediately to join a professional English central with native speakers.
Learn the TOEFL test format
Whether you are preparing to study abroad or are going to work for an international company, TOEFL is a certificate that helps you prove your English skills and opens the door to your dreams.
The first step to success is understanding what TOEFL is and what skills will be required. Once you understand the TOEFL test sample, you'll be on the lookout for the necessary preparation for the test. To study effectively and get a high score, you need to know the general requirements of the TOEFL test and solve the mock test.
Each section of the TOEFL (four sections in total) has specific questions and tasks. These topics and questions will change from time to time, but the format of the TOEFL test never changes. The test always has the same format. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the exam format will partly help you study for the exam more effectively.
You can prepare for the exam yourself or go to a leading English centre for the most effective exam preparation solution and study English fluently.
4 Main sections of TOEFL
The Reading Comprehension section (60-100 minutes long) measures your ability to understand and analyze written texts on topics such as science and academic discussion. The Reading section consists of three to five scholarly passages (paragraphs from academic texts or talks), each approximately 700 words long. The passages can be about a certain topic or about comparing several points of view including science, history, and even philosophy. Each text will ask you to answer 12-14 questions.
The Listening section (60-90 minutes long) ensures that you can understand the information given verbally — for example, when you listen to a lecture or talk to a professor at university. This section has four to six lectures and questions that test your understanding of the content, as well as your understanding of the speaker's motivations and feelings. Account conversational English is also one of the most difficult tasks for English learners, so you should get used to listening to a variety of speeches and dialogues. TOEFL will include different English accents in the Listening section — you can hear American, British, New Zealand and Australian English in the test! Try to listen to all these different forms of English before the test.
The Speaking section (20 minutes) consists of six tasks that you need to complete by talking into a microphone during the test. The test measures how well you can express your thoughts and ideas in English. There is very little time to answer each question and less time to prepare each answer before speaking. Speaking is the hardest part of learning any language. Do your best and do well on the test!
And finally, the Writing test (50 minutes) is the part that shows how you use English in writing. Here, you will apply your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and form clear sentences and paragraphs.
Each section has a maximum score of 30, so the total TOEFL score is 120. This means 120 is a perfect score.
TOEFL is a test that you will complete during the day lasting 4 and a half hours with a short break in between the Listening and Speaking sections.
Some notes when taking the TOEFL
You are allowed to take notes during the test with lots of scratch paper and pencils — use this tool in the Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing sections. When you finish the test and leave, you must give all the notes and unused paper to the examiner.
You can bring snacks and drinks during the 10-minute break.
If you can go to the bathroom or rest during the test if needed, the test clock will not stop during this time.
You may not bring mobile phones, tablets or other devices under any circumstances. You also cannot use them during official breaks.
Please contact Eclass – the best English learning tutors to better understand this exam.